Friday, 7 March 2014


And its the world celebrating International Women's Day!!!

Being one myself, I feel quite lucky to belong to this category of human race which is diverse in every bit..*chosen*

An immediate and so good to feel example..Our Mom.

A woman who is responsible for our existence and we owe it to her..till death.

Woman symbolizes quite a number of significant characteristics and outlooks which are detrimental to a society in which we in and day out.

Well, I will try to frame this post not as a female chauvinist but as a proud woman/girl/lady..whatever the name we give it to those 'XX' set of chromosomal characters.

The journey!!!

We start from being Daddy's little princesses..

No doubt, the bond between a girl and her father is beyond any explanation..

Pure..Selfless..Tightly bound by affection..

Backbone of a daughters existence..and an emotional hub of fathers love..

The start is as beautiful as the newly bloomed rose in a garden..fragrant..classy and forever favourite!!!

And Daddy becomes the first love of a girls life..setting the standards sky high..

Not to neglect the special package of love that is forever prevalent inside that lady we call our MOM..take a bow.
She is next to God..providing a hinge to the love received from both parents..this relation is as pure as that fresh drizzle of the first rainfall!!!

We grow up..a midst our likes and dislikes and in between we are sisters,,friends and the count of relations is one to many or many to many!!!

A sister for a brother..

Be it a brother-sister relation or a sister-sister relation, from a personal perspective, i find SISTER as the most compassionate and a realistic form of being a woman.

Beware..My brother is a hero..don't mess with him..
My brother masters masculinity..beat it..
My brother protects me..invincibly
and above all..
My brother is possessive about me..
Like a precious pearl guarded by an oyster shell..O brother how dear you are to me..
I find endless reasons for thanking God for crowning me as a sister!!!

Sister for a sister

Well i have a mirror image of a perfect PRINCESS..

She is beautiful..confident..emotional...flamboyant but down to earth as she is Me inside another body..

Sisters are one soul, presiding inside two bodies..

Harm one..other sulks..
Make one reflects in her counterpart.

An inseparable creation of Almighty whose sole purpose is to justify being siblings and friends forever..


Well this one is quite tough to define since she epitomizes a tinge of sisterhood in friendship(saying so from personal experience)

Communicating through normal senses is quite common..

We communicate through eyes..

Ranging from a minor tiff at home to a drop dead gigantic crush..we share it all..

We make fun of each other..pull each other's leg..but at the same time celebrate our differences and respect each other.

In that case, sometimes we pose a biggest threat to anyone..mess with my friend..and dude, your game is over..
Like that sweet n sour..CHIP and Dale..
or those adolescent bunch of ladies.. Rachel..Monica or Phoebe of FRIENDS..

or last but not the least..Robin and Lily of 'How I Met Your Mother'

We get along with everything in our own way..

Girls..aren't we bestowed with such wondrous existence??

If yes..then wait for is your Kingdom of Dream that follows..

Soul mate..

Well whosoever is bound to join as a companion in living the rest of this "forever within limited time" called LIFE, is our PRINCE CHARMING..

Having redefined the meaning of Love, we serve as Wives to our Husbands and as such portray the most important character of our lives which is that sort of building block for the generations to follow..

So we justify and dimensionalise the feeling of LOVE in different forms and that is the beauty of being a female!!!

Not to forget the rising role of women in all walks of life..

A perfect Doctor..

A skilled Engineer..

Role Model..Teacher..

Sky soaring Astronauts..

Glamour doll Models..

Fashionista Actress..

Amazingly interesting Writers..

Witty Journalists..

And obviously the list is endless...since ocean inside us is profound enough to accommodate and reflect any talent..

Shoutout to the spirit called Womanhood!!

P.S..this pic says it all: