Monday, 13 August 2012

Just a sneak peak:)

I live life like an unpredictable occurrence of series of events where in you never know what is going to drop in next to excite you to either happiness or sadly to an utter disappointment.....

Balanced by highs and lows, this typical human behavior leads to expectations once any such thing knocks the door of your sleeping dreams..

Laugh till your smile widens up to full extent..
Cry till all those tears are shed..
think till all those thinking caps flee..
speak unless all those emotions are wiped out..
Live as if tomorrow never existed!!!

Choose to be a silent observer, sunk in all that needs to, give life a new dimension by gifting it with all that makes it a beautiful perception to tread on...

Human nature as they say is very complicated and i being one am tangled n this complicacy:P

i try to bring forth all that what i observe here in,,,and i guess my observing power needs to be enhanced beyond make it precise, life is teaching me so many things in a single go and i ought to learn them by heart!!!

winding up at a note that mothers are really special..even if you don't want to miss them..that hidden feeling comes up to say that I MISS U MA..long live my mom:)