Well..Im still alive, survived a year and once again im here to do a quick round up of 2014 that was just a number that looped in a counter to my age..confusing..ain't it?
5 days left for this 365 day old thingy to end and then a new year will ring in..and again this cycle will repeat...
Lets make it simple..
I'm thankful to Almighty for being the best He could be and making me survive with ease and a biggggg smile..o yes, i earned it;-)..
And ofcourse i love my mom more and with each day all i want is to make her smile and proud of the shady me:-)
Crapy things din't matter.. Douchebags punched(so damn hard)..bloopers nagged..and at the end happiness just ushers in..i mean it needs no big space, just a hole to sneak in with all the positivity!
World as a whole saw lots of ups and downs in every field..let me leave that to MEDIA as they will for sure do justice in the upcoming days to spice up the story lines with titles like '2014 A year that was'..blah blah blah..
So..upfront for the new year and of course lots of things in pipeline, lets hope it turns up to be the game changer..Inshallah!
P.S: Some people not only deserve a high 5 but all the punches to shut up the crap coming out and need to GET A LIFE!
Having said that, Allhamdulilah for everything and i hope and wish 2015 is my year!
My words can't be erased since they are inscribed on my mind!!
BBYEE 2014...And a warm welcome to the +1 member(2015)..
5 days left for this 365 day old thingy to end and then a new year will ring in..and again this cycle will repeat...
Lets make it simple..
I'm thankful to Almighty for being the best He could be and making me survive with ease and a biggggg smile..o yes, i earned it;-)..
And ofcourse i love my mom more and with each day all i want is to make her smile and proud of the shady me:-)
Crapy things din't matter.. Douchebags punched(so damn hard)..bloopers nagged..and at the end happiness just ushers in..i mean it needs no big space, just a hole to sneak in with all the positivity!
World as a whole saw lots of ups and downs in every field..let me leave that to MEDIA as they will for sure do justice in the upcoming days to spice up the story lines with titles like '2014 A year that was'..blah blah blah..
So..upfront for the new year and of course lots of things in pipeline, lets hope it turns up to be the game changer..Inshallah!
P.S: Some people not only deserve a high 5 but all the punches to shut up the crap coming out and need to GET A LIFE!
Having said that, Allhamdulilah for everything and i hope and wish 2015 is my year!
My words can't be erased since they are inscribed on my mind!!
BBYEE 2014...And a warm welcome to the +1 member(2015)..