Thursday, 17 April 2014

In awe of HAPPINESS!!!

 I came across some blog which related food to happiness, so much so that each word had a connect  to the underlying feeling associated.
I have never visualized FOOD that way..
For me, its just any other entity that is required to keep those breaths coming, to survive in this race and above all, we eat to live or vice versa.
But everyone is entitled to his/her own opinions and maybe I have failed to see the brighter side of edible stuff or else life kept me too busy to witness this..
Somehow that brought forth the concept of happiness..

What is happiness?
What does it mean to be happy?
When do we become happy?

Lately Pharrell’s song about happiness has been associated with the INTERNATIONAL HAPPINESS DAY and it sings aloud about this feeling!
If we conduct a census and ask people what makes them happy, we won’t be surprised to get n number of reasons, all unique in themselves.
For a poor person, it’s about earning enough to meet the two ends of the day..
For a rich person, it’s about adding more bucks to the already overflowing bucket..
For a kid, it’s about daddy bringing all the nicest toys..
For the barren land, it’s about the awaited showers..
For a mother, it’s about her children..
And the list is endless..
If I ask myself what happiness means, I seriously have to think a lot.
Happiness according to me, is an innate feeling arising out of completeness and a sense of confidence in whatever you have done or you are supposed to do or else you are doing..
Happiness is managing to make people smile amidst their deepest sorrow..
Happiness is making your parents proud of your existence..
Happiness is being fair enough..
Happiness is making a big deal out of the small pleasures of life..
Happiness is being there for your chosen ones..
Happiness is being trustworthy..
Happiness is experiencing the season’s first rainfall lashing you out in the downpour..
Happiness is seeing  a baby smile in sheer innocence..
And I can define it in hell lot of ways..
But precisely happiness is being proactive about the fact that this life is too short to be wasted over worries which do no good to us..
So let’s make happiness the constant element of our lives, put it in the driver’s seat, brace ourselves  and enjoy the HAPPY RIDE!

P.S.—These lines from the happy song add to the aura of the finest human emotions:

It might seem crazy what I'm about to say
Sunshine she's here, you can take a break
I'm a hot air balloon that could go to space
With the air, like I don't care baby by the way

Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you know what happiness is to you
Because I'm happy
Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Making Way For My Season..Monsoons!!!

Here is the much awaited time of the year!

Monsoons on their way..

Its dark..breezy..kind of magic!

Earth awaits to witness the dampness in no time..

But till then the wait gets no easier and in between one can feel the ambiance and the stage being set for the natural wonder..

I, being a pluviophile, have every reason to bring forth this charm!

Be it the tiny droplets..
The underlying splash..
Aroma in air..
Associated clattering..
Sky showering the blessings..
Dry land sensing that water from heavens..

Every part of the rain is wondrous enough to accommodate the feelings associated.

On a personal front, this is just one of things that rains in the happiness for me!!!

Below is a click(snapped by me as I can see from my window) of the City Of Dreams gearing up for the rhythmic splash!

P.S--Somethings in life tend to be your eternal favorites like this RAIN for me!