Tuesday, 12 February 2013


Patience..a word that requires 
hell lot to endure, profound yet so darn 
necessary to actually live the moment.

And who says i have it..this is one of those things which have been missing in me.

Lately i have come across some certain bunch of people who not only inculcated this"Patience"
thing in me but also made me explore my other side..

Oh yes..i can be at my best..infact im best when it omes to whom i want to be that "best-like"

They say..some things are best not revealed#so true..

And here am i..

At one point of time in your life..all you want is to be happy and to top it all make those people happy
for whom you tend to be your best.

Nothing ventured..Nothing gained..

In an attempt to switching my "best" side on and off, its all about prioritising things..

If at some point of time..you think of giving up..at the next instant that something inside 
wakes up to say:

"You'll always get the BEST of me"

Is being NICE so tough#just asking:-)

That's So Meee!!!

Nascent yet true..juvenile yet facts..blurred yet illusive..this chunk is all about being a bit crazy in that innocent get up!!!

Embedding the sea of wishes..
Treading along the silence with held..
The uproar within needs a vent..
Being crazy in my own suite..
Dreaming all that i can..
Impossible enough..
Managing to get that widened expression-”Smile” though..
I come across myriad of species..
Some nice..some bad..n in all the pretence of creations..

Scrutinized in my own being..
Letting only few sane things to come up..
Iv figured out a world of my own..

Best for those whom i find worth deserving the best of me..
Inconsiderate for all the left overs..
My companions are few and rare..
But whatever i have..its very dear..

I find the wheel of time rolling and changing me..!!!

P.S----how i love to write:-)